Saturday, December 10, 2016

Neither "Dutertards" nor "Yellowtards," but Filipinos

In the 2016 Philippine election, there were 15.9 million Filipino voters (36.7%) who were neither "Dutertards" (16.6 million who voted for Duterte) nor "Yellowtards" (9.9 million who voted for Roxas). The election was not only between these two camps. However, the post election discussions of national issues in social media were framed into binary, either pro- and anti-government. The anti-government discussions are labeled as coming from "Yellowtards." Those who staunchly protect and support the government are called "Dutertards."

The election is over, yet the fever associated with election has stayed. It is even more intense and brutal. The country is getting more and more deeply divided. It is easy to be swayed by information that is agreeable to one's preconceived idea. To deepen the divide, many fake news sites (mainly pro-Duterte) emerge to inflame negative sentiments towards those on the other side (mainly Liberal Party members). Worse, many people believe and share in social media stories from these fake news sites.

How can we get out of this spiraling fever that is self-inflicted?

I have no answer to this question. But we can attempt to step back and refuse to dwell on the temptation of mudslinging that we do not anymore recognize the persons on the other side. The biggest challenge is to belong to certain parties or ideologies or camps, but without dehumanizing those not with us.

In all of us, we are neither Dutertards nor Yellowtards; but all Filipinos, inclusive and compassionate. Let us not allow the 2016 election fever turn into an epidemic. Let us get a national relief from this feverish divide. Let us start talking again as persons with differences. Let us just talk and listen to each other. Come on, let's do this.